Friday, April 15, 2011

Possible Easter Tradition in the Making: Resurrection Rolls

Resurrection Rolls


I have seen this recipe on several blogs and have decided to try them for myself! Since my daughter is a little young to be helping in the kitchen I may invite some friends over from chuch to help out!


Crescent Rolls or Make your own favorite bread recipe
one package Marshmallows
3/4 t. Cinnamon
4 T.   Sugar
1/3 c. Melted Butter

1. Mix Cinnamon and sugar in a small bowl
2. Dip each marshmallow in butter and then in cinnamon/sugar mixture.

3. Next use one crescent roll per marshmallow and wrap the dough around the marshmallow pinching the seams together. (No part of the marshmallow should be showing).

4. If desired you can then roll the dough covered marshmallow into a ball to eliminate the seams.
5. Continue steps 2-4 until you have the number of rolls desired.
6. Place the rolls on a cookie sheet with a lip around the perimeter.
7. Spread additional butter on top of rolls and sprinkle with extra cinnamon and sugar if desired.

8. Bake at 350 degrees for abour 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

The finished product doesn't just look and taste yummy it is a great way to teach about the Easter story!
As you make these rolls you can use them as a picture of Jesus burial. The marshmallow illustrates Jesus body. As you dip it in the cinnamon/sugar mixture you can discuss the oils and spices that were used to anoint Jesus body. The roll represents sealing the body in the tomb. After baking the roll the marshmallow "disappears" leaving behind an "empty tomb".

Let me know if you try this yourself. I would love to hear how you use it to teach your children to understand the Easter! I will update this post after I have tried these for myself! But for now I wanted to share it with you! Enjoy celebrating the sweet hope we have in a risen Savior!


  1. these look great! thanks for sharing :)

  2. Just found your blog via Redeemed Reader!

    We have done this for the past few years and I think it's a great 'hands on' illustration for the kids! We usually say the crescent roll is the linen he was wrapped in and the oven is the tomb. We put the rolls in the oven (tomb) the night before Easter and "close" it with masking tape to make sure no one pulls a switcheroo (steals the body) during the night.

    It's definitely worth the small amount of effor!
