Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Written by Hank Hanegraaff
Illustrated by Thomas Payne

The author has taken the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:9-14  and broken it into short phrases. Each page of the book features one of these phrases along with a brief rhyming application or explination of the quoted scripture. The application/explination and accompaning illustration brings the biblical text to life in a very practical way for young hearts. It addresses many daily encounters a young child may have like, mealtime, play time, and cleaning up. More importantly it speaks about the God honoring way to act, briefly touching on adoration, obedience, thankfulness, forgiveness, salvation, and prayer. Just as the Lord's Prayer is an example of how we should pray and live so this book does a good job teaching kids how they should live their lives seeking to honor the Lord and share His love.

 A short piece of the text:
                                     "Give us today our daily bread
                                     I know you'll give me what I need
                                     Plesae help me to put away my greed."

Often times we fall into the thinking that children can not understand or are unable to use self-control and therefore they are not held to biblical standards. Before children fully mature or are spiritually regenerated, we must teach them the truth.  Until Christ does a work in their heart it may/will be challenging, but if we do not teach, set an example and expectations how will they see and know of their need for a Savior and the sacrifice He has made for them? Once saved they are then fully capable of understanding and living in this way with guidance from God's word (like the rest of us).  It is then that we must expect them to live in truth and guide them as they continue to learn what it looks like to live for Christ.  As the book closes it nicely sums up these truths, "As you live in my heart, may I be more like you. Your love is forever, and your word is true." This statement is a good reminder to all that God's work is true! Are you living in the light of His word?

How does your family make prayer a priority?

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

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