Friday, February 25, 2011

Scripture to Song: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 2

Hide 'Em In Your Heart Songs - Vol 2Lead Vocalist: Steve Green
Created by Frank and Betsy Hernandez
Arranged by Fletch Wiley and Frank Hernandez

Appropriate for:
Infants, Toddlers, and Elementary Ages
After borrowing this resource from a friend, my husband and I have found it to be a fantastic resource for filling our home with scripture. The writers use direct quotes from the Bible as the lyrics to these short and catchy songs. While some children's music I have heard has been contrived or corny, these tunes are each unique in length and style. Most importantly they share the truths from scripture in a upbeat and memorable way.

The songs include:
Think On These Things (Phil. 4:8),  All Things Work Together For Good (Rom. 8:28),
A Joyful Heart (Pro. 17:22), God Loves A Cheerful Giver (2 Cor. 9:7), Train Up A Child (Pro. 22:6), and sixteen others. Another think I enjoy about the collection is the use of children in accompaniment to Steve Green. What an encouragement and testamony of grace to have children praising our Lord and Savior!

My daughter, husband, and I have only been listening to the CD for about a week and already we are singing and humming the tunes on our own. In fact just the other night we were discussing the state of the "American Family" and how we could protect our family. One of the songs/verses came to mind (Train Up A Child) and we were able to meditate on the wisdom of God rather than worry.

It has been a blessing to hide God's word in our hearts in such an enjoyable and memorable way! I hope and pray that you will be able to treasure God's word by hiding it in your heart!

"May the living and enduring Word of God bring life to all who listen" ~Steve Green

Sidenote: I say both volume 1 and 2 of Hide 'Em In Your Heart on Amazon for about $16 including shipping and handling. Hide Em in Your Heart Vol 1 & 2

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