Thursday, January 20, 2011

Getting Started

As a child I was a lover of literature. My family surrounded me with quality literature and made reading an enjoyable experience. When I started my studies as a elementary education major I began to see what a blessing it had been to have such a "Reading Rich" family. I was suprised at all the contrived, poorly crafted, and boring literature that was being offered to kids. It was then that I became such a children's literature finatic. I was loved looking though book orders for books that would not only interest kids but would also enrich thier lives. My 5th grade classroom was full of well written fiction, non-fiction, poetry, magazines, picture books, and  more. These books were wonderful for teaching reading skills and content information but they did not teach the most important thing, the gospel of salvation.

It was after the birth of my daughter in September of 2010 that I began looking for ways that I would be able to teach the truth of the gospel through children's literature founded on Biblical truths. My search led me to many resources that I felt were just not adequite. In my opinion many lacked in everything from quality illustrations to repetative and insignificant texts. The most disappointing of all was a lack of foundational Biblical truth for young children. While much of my searching was disapointing I found some treasures along the way and would like to share them here with you.

As my daughter grows I am "learning to treasure" my time with her more and more each day! I am also "learning to treasure" the sweet relationship I have with the creator of the universe, my Lord, Jesus Christ.

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